Grass Strip 4L/22R

Grass Strip Observations by John Garrett and Paul Bergman June 7, 2015

Grass Strip Runway 4L Taxi

Grass West end of Rwy 4L

West end of Rwy 4L markers – the far corner marker is just visible! These are difficult to see/locate on final approach. So get an idea where the runway ends are prior to attempting a landing. A low approach survey is indicated over 4-22 in first time prior to landing.

Grass West end of Rwy 4L ENTRY

West end Rwy 4L markers – Note Rwy Light location prior to entry for takeoff! Right edge of Rwy is 15 feet from 4-22!

Grass West end Rwy 4L - Note PAPI

West end Rwy 4L – Note PAPI location & that grass is mowed well beyond lights!

Grass Strip 22R Taxi

Grass West end of Grass Rwy 4L - note light

West end of Grass Rwy 4L – note light and 2000′ marker sign, this will give you an approximate touchdown target location on the grass runway!

Grass Runway 22 location - End

Runway 22 location vs. the right side Rwy 22R end marker. Note road to ATIS and longer grass beyond! Marker is approx 75′ from the gravel road.

Grass Looking at grass Rwy 22R from the numbers on 22

Looking at grass Rwy 22R from the numbers on 22. Note – markers are not easily seen from ground level. The level of the ground on the long grass (east side) of the road is lower than the mowed grass side, so don’t touch down before the road!

Grass Looking West on Rwy 22R.  Note light close to threshold entry

Looking West on Rwy 22R. Note Rwy light close to threshold entry. The grass will be mowed to the level of the edge of runway 4R-22L!

Grass Strip from Air in John’s Citabria

On Final to 22R - note long grass vs Rwy 22R

On Final to 22R – note long grass vs Rwy 22R

Low Approach over Rwy 4R - Note PAPAI lights before Rwy 4L begins!

Low Approach over Rwy 4R – Note PAPAI lights before Rwy 4L begins!

Over Rwy 4R - Note Rwy 4R PAPI lights in lower left corner,  Rwy 4L end markers are adjacent to the far end of the centerline of the 'ghost 4'

Over Rwy 4R – Note Rwy 4R PAPI lights in lower left corner, Rwy 4L end markers are adjacent to the far end of the centerline of the ‘ghost 4’

On final approach Rwy 4L - note end of paved 4R, PAPI LIGHTS beyond on grass & Rwy 4L beyond!

On final approach Rwy 4L – note end of paved 4R, PAPI LIGHTS beyond on grass & Rwy 4L beyond!


On final Rwy 4L - Note PAPAI Lights!  Don't land prior to the lights!

On final Rwy 4L – Note PAPAI Lights! Don’t land prior to the lights!

Short Final Rwy 4L - Runway 4L end markers are approx where the tree shadow intersects the Rwy!

Short Final Rwy 4L – Runway 4L end markers are approx where the tree shadow intersects the Rwy!

When exiting grass runway be sure to locate adjacent runway edge lights!
Thank you John Garrett for providing the aircraft! Photos by Paul Bergman.

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