

Join / Renew SASA

Annual Membership Meeting & Dinner

6:00 PM January 8, 2025 

True North Bakery, 15426 Airport Dr., Burlington

Dinner & SASA Dues $50, Dinner for guests $30

Funds collected at the door, cash or check (sorry, no cards)

Play “Pilot Jeopardy”

If you are Good and Lucky


A Case of Aircraft Oil
donated by Vertex Aviation

SkY Flight Project

SkY Flight meets every Thursday evening at 6 pm at the Skagit Regional Airport, hangar 300 on the south side of the field. From Highway 20, take Higgins Airport Way north, turn left at the sign for the Heritage Flight Museum, then look for the SkY Flight sign on the right. New students and parents are welcome–just show up to the next work session. Or you can contact Dan Holden ( or Jay Findlay ( for more info.  Also see the Skagit EAA webpage on the project here.


SASA MEETINGS – For over twenty-years, SASA has worked with the Port of Skagit for the benefit of the Skagit Regional Airport and its pilot  community. The SASA Board of Directors meet at 6:00 PM on the first Wednesday of each month at The Port Hearing Room, 15400 Airport Dr., Burlington,WA. These meetings are open to all SASA members. The Board welcomes participation and input. Suggestions for the agenda can be submitted at

MEMBERSHIP – SASA welcomes new members. We need your participation, suggestions and ideas. Press the “Join/Renew” button on the homepage menu. Contact any Board Member with questions.

FLIGHT OPERATIONS AT KBVS – Flight operations continue to increase in all categories (Single and Multi-Engine Piston, Turboprop, Jet and Helicopter) BE VIGILANT. Skagit Regional Airport continues to prove to be an
economic asset to Skagit Valley.

HERITAGE FLIGHT MUSEUM FLIGHT OPERATIONS – HFM flies each 2nd Saturday of the month April through October. The high-performance aircraft use the Overhead Approach Maneuver as described in AIM 5-4-27. The HFM is open 10am – 4pm, Thursday through Saturday. Please refer to their website ( for additional information and volunteer opportunities. Visiting aircraft frequent these fly days, so things are not the same each month.

RESTAURANT AT KBVS – Closed until further notice!

WASHINGTON PILOTS ASSOCIATION – Join WPA and support your statewide aviation interests, and enjoy valuable discounts. Go to to sign up and find information on local chapters.

AIRCRAFT WASHING – Washington State Dept. of Ecology is requiring the Port to ensure that all Aircraft are not washed in any area where runoff can get into the storm water system. Aircraft can be washed on surfaces that are pervious, ie: grass and dry washing in your hangar is fine. The Port has a car wash kit that you can borrow for wet washing. They are currently designing a wash stand that will meet the DOE rules and will replace the one situated by Vertex Aviation. We know that this is a pain, but please work with the Port on this issue, it is not their fault! For answers to any questions, contact: Sara Young or call (360) 757-0011.

SOCIAL FLIGHT – Get the app for your handheld device, here.  There are hundreds of activities announced each month from fly-ins, meetings, seminars, $100 Hamburgers, etc.  Current activities can be cued to your opening screen to get your attention.  SASA will be using this in addition to our website, especially for our regional events of interest for an easy communication outlet.